Saturday, June 4, 2011

The June Break

Truth is, the June break isn't over just yet. Heh. Still another week to go.

          Currently in Cherating Resort in Pahang. I think we're in Terengganu but I'm not in the mood to debate or to simply look at the catalog.  Well, we, my family with the exclusion of father and Siena, and my closest(?) uncle and his family are having a time-out here. Well, to put it simply and blunt, we're just enjoying our school holiday.

          So Siena had her wish fulfilled. At least part of it, which is, I'm out of the tiny world of mine which consist of myself and my house appliances. Not that I'm not enjoying myself. I do. Well, that is obvious since I'm still able to blog even from places other than home. Huhu. I feel like I sound like a home-caveman. Duh, there's this thing called wi-fi and hotspot etc etc right? I never cared before but since these kinds of facilities actually enable me to have fun, I guess I'll start caring now^^.

          How did we end up here? I guess you could thank that to my cousin who's staying around the area. She getting married. Correction, she was confirmed to be married to the man she chooses yesterday and their wedding reception is today. Here's the bad side of me: I don't really want to go if given the chance to say no. I kinda' like that cousin of mine nevertheless.

          My not so likeable cousins all these while are actually the daughters of that so-called closest uncle of mine. Surprisingly, they were 'well' behaved this time. Much better, at the very least. Instead of feeling annoyed like I always do, they actually -just for 'some' many moments- seem quite adorable. Not that THAT matter much. Or does it? Coz I don't feel irritated, so supposedly that's good for the soul right? Yeah, I think so.

Whatever. I don't really have much to write this morning and I just saw a new update on One Piece. So, until the next post. Ja!

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