Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Best Thing In the World

So I was watching a drama with my sister when something someone said about "What is Love?"

The companion character then said, "The best thing in the world."

My sister immediately replied bitterly, "No."

I laughed. I thought to myself, it's because she haven't experience it, that's why she can deny it. Then a thought came to me, "Is it really the best thing in the world?"

If my answer is no, would it mean I haven't experience it? I love the love of my life right now, and I felt only bliss when I think of him (aside of course the occasional missing and ache for not being able to see him) but is it truly the best thing in the world?
Would the world condemn me if I were to deny it being the best?
Does that make me a bad person for denying that it is the best?

I thought about it hard, but to me, the best thing in the world was the hallucination that I had years ago. The best thing in the world was the ability to visualize Elle.

I lost it. I shouldn't have it. I shouldn't want it.

Yet here I am still thinking it was the best thing I ever had.

The ability to escape from my life and live a different one. That was the best.

I love it.

But I can also argue that because I love it, that's why it's the best. Hence, love is still the best thing in the world.

An exhilarating feeling.

Love is.

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