Wednesday, March 22, 2023


I have dropped out from university twice. Both because I can't seem to go to my final exams.

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The first time I dropped out, I was still unable to control my mental disorder, and my health at that time was all time low. So without any discussion with anyone, I decided to quit school in my Final Year, Final Semester of university.

The second time I dropped out, about 10 years later, it was my first year still. I just couldn't go through school. I had good grades, but the whole formal education makes me unable to breathe and I simply had to stop to feel happier.

You could say I don't have what it takes to get through school and you'd be right.

So recently I managed to get three job interviews.

The first one went really well that they offered me a job (which I am freaking out about because it's a job I wanted, but I have close to 0 experience in that field and limited knowledge in the matter).

The second one went well until..... we started talking about my health, specifically mental health. I do not expect an offer from this one.

The last one was really fun. I felt like I was in the zone in the interview. It was an assessment interview. However, just before the last stage of the interview, the HR personnel called me privately for a chat.
She was apologetic. She told me that the team was really impressed by me and that I did such a great job. She told me I was their best candidate thus far. However, their company policy is such that they only hire degree graduate.

I wasn't going to accept the job because I liked the first offer, but being rejected hurts. It hurts even more than the second interview because I knew I excelled that interview. I was prepared for this kind of outcome, though. I knew sooner or later someone is going to reject me just because of my education level.

Reality smack to my head still hurts.

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