Sunday, April 10, 2011

Making your own Kaleidoscope

Lately, I have an interest in these things... I just haven't really decided if I want to make my own yet..

Be Dazzled: Kaleidoscope

Main Contents

You will need : 

  • Paper towel tube cut eight inches (20 centimeters) long
  • Clear plastic report cover
  • Ruler
  • Pen or marker
  • Paring knife or art utility knife
  • Four-inch (ten-centimeter) squares (one each) of black construction paper, plastic wrap, and waxed paper
  • Scissors
  • Rubber band
  • Clear tape
  • Colored transparent beads, small sequins, and shiny confetti
  • Stickers and wrapping paper
  1. Draw an 8-by-4-inch (20-by-10-centimeter) rectangle on the report cover. Cut it out. Draw three lines across the rectangle as shown.
Illustration: a sheet of plastic with measurements 
2. Fold the plastic along the lines to form a triangular shape. The quarter-inch (.6-centimeter) strip goes on the outside. Tape the strip along the edge so it stays closed.
Illustration: hands folding a sheet of plastic 

3. Slide the plastic triangle into the paper towel roll.
Illustration: hands holding a folded plastic sheet and paper towel roll 
4. Turn the paper towel tube on one end. Trace a circle around it on the construction paper. Poke a hole through the center of the circle and tape it over one end of the tube.
Illustration: a hand holding a pencil and a hand taping paper to a paper towel roll 
5. Place a square of plastic wrap on the other end of the tube. Press down to create a pouch in the end of the plastic triangle. Put some beads, sequins, and confetti in the pouch.
Illustration: fingers, small objects, and plastic wrap 
6. Place a square of waxed paper over the pouch. Stretch the rubber band over both the waxed paper and the plastic wrap. Be sure it’s on tight so nothing spills out!

Illustration: a hand holding waxed paper and a hand holding a rubber band 
7. Trim the corners of the squares. Decorate the outside of the paper towel roll with stickers or wrapping paper.
  Illustration: a hand holding a paper towel roll and scissors  Illustration: a kaleidoscope

8. Hold the tube up to one eye and look through it. Turn it and watch your own light show!
Illustration: a boy looking into a kaleidoscope


Light travels in a straight line through empty space, but when it bumps into an object, it changes direction. Some shiny surfaces, like the plastic report cover or a mirror, send or reflect light back to you. (Think of a ball bouncing off a wall.) The sides of the plastic tube inside the kaleidoscope reflect the beads, sequins, and confetti. The reflections bounce back and forth from side to side creating multiple images. When you turn the kaleidoscope, the pieces move, and you see a different design.

Text by Laura Daily

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