Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Stars Leaked

I had the most wonderful dream yesterday.

Hime, Chi, Nao and I decided to finally have our destination travels. We took a flight to somewhere and when we reached the airport, Bear picked us up. I was relieved when he did, amazed too that he drove. I kept on talking about how he never drives in Malaysia and it was odd to see him driving now. My girlfriends were shy, quiet and awkward so it was just me blabbering to Bear while he sat and drove on with increasing annoyance at me.

Then the car broke down. He pulled it over and went to check the engine while the rest of us just waited. Chi went to him and started helping him out and he gave Chi some engine lessons and they bonded.

We were curious so we went and peeked.
At that moment, Bear hit some kind of cord or pipe. There was a loud explosion.
But out of it came billion of stars and sun - the whole galaxy.

It was such a beautiful sight.

Then I woke up.

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