Monday, April 9, 2018

No Reassurance

Despite taking a month long holiday, I didn't feel like I caught a break.

     The thing with Gari made me think a lot. Convincing someone that things will get better makes me hate myself since that's an everyday effort, just to believe it myself. So it was not really surprising to me, when I asked for OssanFruit's help.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

4 minutes 50 seconds

     A day was all it took to ice-break, and a week was all it took to like a person. Ours were stretch to a month, giggling like middle-schoolers when we were better than that. Or perhaps that was arrogance, and that middle schoolers were better. Better than me, at least.

     I remember the song Perfect Day by supercell, played on repeat when I was in high-school. Those were the days when I fell in love with ryo's composition.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Child to Man

In the midst of my never ending headaches, emotional turmoil and all that makes up my on-going bad days, I stumbled upon this:
The momentous laws of induction between currents and between currents and magnets were discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831-82. Faraday was asked: "What is the use of this discovery?" He answered: "What is the use of a child - it grows to be a man."
by Alfred North Whitehead

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Gari Loop

I was going to share experiences about Gari. I truly did, but I delayed it and now Gari's just a thorn in my life that I don't even feel like there's anything true worth mentioning.
Except maybe the fact that Gari's in my title.
        The Gari Loop, as defined by me, is a life cycle, of someone who works hard, but failed themselves then found a saving point so that they won't break down, but surviving only that point only to work hard again and fails again, and so on.