Saturday, July 30, 2011

2NE1 - Ugly

          The froggie-teacher said that my generation music was like "Hey, look at me! I'm the person with the biggest problem in the world!!"

          I don't want to say that it's not true. Because part of it might be true. I'm not soo into music that I realize all this anyway. But even if it's true, why is it wrong? Because it's a fact that these type of people wanted their voices to be heard. Even if it's strangers who heard them.

          I'm not saying that it's a good thing. It might be bad for all eternity, who knows? But then again, there's no telling what's good or bad in this world... So you might as well just scream "I'm BAAD!!! and I DON'T KNOW HOW TO BE GOOD!!" Because those who said they're good aren't necessarily good. And how do we know that they're real if the hand that streches out was one with over-sympathy, resentment to the problem, and grossed-out by it?

Oh no, did I go back to pessimisism? And I thought I'd changed.

"Don't look at me, I hate this feeling right now.
I just want to hide somewhere, I want to run away.
This world is a lie."

Just how many out there had this deep in their thoughts.......

"Don't easily said that you understand me.
My ugly and crooked heart might resent you.
Don't force me to talk; I don't go well with you.
The cold fakeness in your patronizing looks suffocates me.
Don't come close to me. I don't want your interest."

.................................This is exactlly why it's hard to be saved......

          But either way, I think froggie-teacher meant the right thing, if we focused too much on our problems, we might never see the way out of it. AND we shouldn't expect that anyone would lend a helping hand. But if we really need to, just look at the most trivial things and be thankful for that. Don't ever think that we had it worst.
Those who shine so bright is not the most perfect being...
After all, even the sun lives in the dark dark galaxy.... And the effects of it rays brought shadows..Do you think it really is bright?

Now I'm thinking too much .. Haixx..
Let me just concentrate on whatever that matters.. 


  1. Sometimes this song describes me.. But this song is great..

  2. Well, I kinda' understood what you meant. I'm not too fond of depressing songs but I do feel all of those emotions at times. So this song is one of the things that clings on the back of my head. Huu............hhh
