Monday, September 10, 2012

Keeping Oneself

I think everyone know how important it is to be yourself.

I'm not the best example though. After all, one of my trait is that I'm good at ignoring people, things etc. And that, sincerely, I know it's bad. But that's how I prefer myself to do. Instead of using the annoying method of quarreling till no end, it's better to ignore certain things right?
      No, on second thought, don't agree with me.

But in any case, being yourself is being you, right? If you try to be someone else, then this is the question I'll ask, "Where are you?". So, what about being conscious of what others are talking about you?

          Well, if you did wrong and others talk about it, you don't really have the right to be offended. Doing the wrong thing in itself might have offend someone in the first place, so of course they'll talk about it. Not that I'm saying that they're right. I'm just stating that you shouldn't complain. Just taste your own doing and endure.

           And if you did something good and society praise you this and that, it's up to you to either brag, snicker, giggle, smirk, laugh, be proud or humble. Though, good morals would mean being humble. But well, as distorted the society is, when one is humble, he could be accused of being fake. Who believes anyone could be perfect anyway? Do you? Me? I believe so. After all, my ultimate role model, Prophet S.A.W. is perfect. The best human role model, right? No, that's not a question. It's a fact. It's what I believe.

So some would rather hide under a laugh as he was being praised. So that those talking would just stop and shrug everything off. Or giggle. Or brag, to decrease his own perfectness. Oh don't be shocked, there are many out there who are scared of being good. Most of them are good, but admitting they're good? Nah, some would even falsify their good-ness just for the sake of not being seen as a good person. That, in turn would make them look bad.
           Why? To fit in, I guess. Society can't accept someone without flaws right? If there exist, at this age, someone flawless, he's basically a role model. And that will make him a spotlight. Which made him the society target on flaw-finding. After all, sad to say, isn't that whats everyone doing? We look at the flaw of others. When he is especially good, the more critical it is for him to even have a flaw.

So, this is what made most people prefer to keep some flaw in them. Improving is by definition, better. But it creates trouble. There are some out there who still strives for perfection even though they know they can't be though.

          To me, they're already perfect. To boldly go against the flow and challenge their flaws bravely is already a perfection. Of course, if they stop, then that's it. But this people defy the mediocre. They will immediately be out of the "us" circle of majority.
Others would create a boundary, a line between them and these perfectionist with words like "admire" or "too good". In other words, they'll be labelled.
Now, they should be proud right? After all, they're not labelled dumbass or such crude and foul words. They're labelled with seemingly kind and good words.

The point is, they're separated. Because they're been labelled something good, society can't accept if they do anything wrong. So these people end up to be very careful. They can't do this, they can't do that. They have to consider what others would think, how others would portray their acts. In the end, can they still be themselves?
          If they go on and on pleasing the rest, won't they just end up like them? But it's true, many people out there have been restraint, because others just can't seem to mind their own business.
In many circumstances, we need to care what others do, what they shouldn't do. We need to tell them properly. We need to mind their business.

But caring and simply talking down someone is a lot different. If you care, you'll go all out. There's no such thing as a half-baked care. That's not constructive, that's pretty much destructive.
If you don't care, than that's negative perception. That's looking down, that's just gossip or whatever not in conjunction to "caring".

          The thing is, everyone is different. No one can be the same. Similar? Yes. Same? Never. Every person have their own styles, their own opinion, their own thoughts, their own preference. Yes, in all society there's always an odd-one out. But he's only odd because you label him so. Because you can't understand, and you give up in doing so. You talk as if he's too different than you are when in truth, you're the one trying to be the same as everyone else, and you succeed. But he doesn't do that, and still, maybe he succeed in his own way.

Now I'm side-tracking.
That's not really the point.

The thing is we should stop judging. These people already have a hard time just by not following the flow. Now that they succeeded, people are still trying to shape them up? Let them have 1 or 2 flaws. Don't make them narrow or rigid or such likeliness.

That was supposed to be the moral values I intended to say.

          Personally, I am angry if someone said they must do whatever because they have an image to keep. They have people talking behind their backs if they do otherwise. I still am angry. Because if they are happy doing so, they wouldn't complain. If they're not happy, they shouldn't bother what others say and just do whatever best for themselves. Society after all, doesn't care much what happen to each individuals, we shape our own future, right?

Still, if one already at a point where they become a role, someone labelled, I guess it's not really bad to keep up to their label. It's true that everyone have flaws, but they're not meant to be embraced. They're to be improved, to be challenge.

Honestly, this whole thing is dedicated to one friend, though I'm not sure if she'll get what I'm trying to tell her.

I'm not totally with you on that keeping up image thing. But I respect you for that. Continue with whatever you believe is best, even if you don't like it so much. I guess we have different opinion on this and maybe you are right, or not. Just know this, you can come complaining to me anytime and I'll throw in a few words here and there. Or you can just say you're having it hard, and I could keep you company.

Oh, the words in my head are jumbled up. I can't continue this. Later, minna!
Thanks a lot for reading.

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