Friday, March 4, 2011

Good news, BAD news

           I'm really very annoyed and mad. My anger has reach its peak. Luckily for that baka Huninis, I hold it so that it won't go over the limit. I wish I could throw her in the ocean right now. If not, just set her to fire. God, why is she Uranna's wife anyway. I shall be patience and endured whatever that ***** did for Uranna's sake. I really want to kill her. No, that would be too much. I hate her enough to not care what she'll become~ I'm not gonna dirty my hands for her pathetic, of no importance life.

          Let's just talk on other things :
  Good news is, I'm going for Chess competition with Elle/Eli girl. Bad news is, though it's suppose to be a sure thing, but the Froggie-sensei just add another girl in. So now, we had to compete each other first before 2 people gets to go for the competition. Unlucky me, I'm not in the chess club, and had low chance of getting chosen. Grr, now I'm mad again.

          So, good news is that I manage to be busy in a good way. Bad news is, I'm getting envious of Elle/Eli girl 'cause she's new yet she's busier than I am. In a good way. And that's bad because I was part of the reason that she got all these chances yet now I'm jealous for actually giving her the chances. Why is all the good news only one sentence? Grr...

          Good news is, I'm getting diligent again and wants to do my homework and studies properly. And this happy news lift my spirit so much that I turn on the radio quite loud. Bad news is, because of that, that Huninis ***** cursed and accused me of twisted things! Ahh, forget it!!!!!

          Another good news is that plan of going to the Old Folks Home is progressing well, after the many push I did. Yet, bad news is, one of the teacher in charge is NOT doing her job, putting us on hold, and wanted unreasonable things that could hurt other when she want others not to hurt her student and self. And making me mad, and annoyed and kinda' lost my respect for her. Sorry for all teachers out there, but please understand, your students are human. They have feelings too. They have the amount of task they could handle too. And note this : I was told that we could actually sue the teachers and school if they give too many work until we're unable to play, laugh, and have enough sleep. Of course, I had no idea if that's true. I was told that it comes under child's right.

          Oh, and I failed my Physics exam. Luckily, I'm a good kid who finish her homework and did an excellent work on notes. Thus I got bonus marks and ended up not failing. But it's still a shame though.

There's so much I want to say but I better get back to my homework if not I'll get lazy again.

I'm listening to Yubiwa by Maaya Sakamoto

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